from the edge of insanity


New Addition to the Pontillo Family

Meet the newest member of our family:

Name: Luna Galadriel Pontillo
Birthday: April 1st, 2007
Breed: Half Queensland Heeler (mother), half Border Collie (father)
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: (near) Elk Grove, California

She may be cuddly and adorable, but she keeps us awake all night and has no problem going to the bathroom in the house! (Amazingly, I think she has "done her thing" outside more often than inside, though.)

I tried to work from home yesterday, but it's awfully difficult while she's either misbehaving or squirming on my lap!


I'm not insane

Really, I'm not.

That's why this blog is subtitled "from the edge of insanity", and not "from the insane asylum". It's a verifiable scientific fact that I'm writing this from the comfort of my own home. Well, in a sense -- I guess technically the bank still owns it. But I'm working on that.

But I've got to be a little bit insane to ride my bike to work every day, where I hack ANSI C code. Hell, the highlight of my day is often when I look at the route table on my switch and see that the routing protocols I'm verifying have done their job. This kind of stuff doesn't make most anyone else feel a sense of accomplishment, does it? So I must be a little bit insane.

"I won't be needing a bag", I say at the supermarket, as I reveal my trusty backpack. The clerks usually smile and nod. But I know that somewhere, deep down inside, they must think there's some insanity there. Even I admit that no matter how many times I make a zero-carbon trip to the supermarket, there are hundreds more shoppers and employees with their cars in the parking lot. And a big-ass truck in the back unloading goods from half way across the world.

"Drink the kool-aid", they say. So what if the world is going to hell all around you? "There's nothing you can do, so relax", they say, as if that should be comforting. Somehow, I have still managed to reject that concept.

And that is why I am on the edge of insanity.